Thursday, October 3, 2013

IT Operations and innovations

When we talk about IT Operations, terms like IT budget, service desk, security, keep lights on, fire
fighting, ITIL usually pop up first in mind. IT Operations usually associate with conservative mind, old school and day to day tasks. In general, the "boring stuff".

No matter how new or skinny is the system/software/application. Once you put it into production and move on. It will eventually get old, buggy here or there. Even worth, it is just laying there without anyone using it at all. IT Operations can not just ignore it. Over the years, this become more and more serve and its a heavy burden for business and system engineers. Some study showed that we spend about 25-40% IT budget on just keep lights on & fire fighting.

That's why innovation is important for IT Operations, because we need align IT and business. We need to be smarter, we don't want death by overwork at nights. The list is long. "Untested and unreviewed infrastructure code is akin to running the nation's railways on untested and incompatible track, points and signals." Sadly but that is how most business' IT systems are today, but not necessary tomorrow.

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