Saturday, June 7, 2014

Positive energy

From computer to something completely different, but still relevant.

Walking on the street or anywhere that you can meet other people, if they weren't interacting with other people, most of them didn't have smile or a happy face. Maybe they were in some deep serious thoughts, or maybe they were just tired, stressed or worried about life, business or what ever bothering them. Still it felt like none positive energy come out of them. Opposite, kids usually have this curious and glad impression, even they are not interacting with other. This inspires me to look the world differently and discover new things around us. Most important to our personal well being and success is being positive.

When we get older, we are bitter like an india pale ale. Maybe because we understand how terrible the world is. Maybe because we forget how important the dream is and lost in pursuing the happiness.

In the past weeks, I have been focus on various different tasks. I had previously anxiety about not producing enough. After some serious thoughts, I understood the fact is we have limited time and we can only focus a few things. One simple way to maximise throughput is doing different tasks to keep brain excited. Secondly positive energy will help us to overcome all difficulties.

I saw Lion King with my daughter another day, even she didn't fully understand whole story yet, but she seems to understand "hakuna matata".

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